The People’s Plan is a comprehensive policy agenda designed to help us build power and redistribute resources in St. Louis city.

Our education, health, housing, and policing systems are in desperate need of an overhaul. Centuries of racism and socioeconomic inequity have left their mark on these systems, resulting in a vastly different quality of life for white and Black St. Louisans and ending countless Black lives.

The status quo is both intolerable and unsustainable. We can either make a long-overdue correction towards justice, equity, and democracy, or remain the paradigmatic example of an American city ravaged by racism and unbridled capitalism. We have a chance to reshape public policy, allowing us to shift outcomes and build a new vision for our city that is truly equitable, sustainable, and inclusive.

The People’s Plan will allow us to do just that.

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Making STL Home

Promoting universal housing, environmental justice, and livability for all St. Louisans.

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Building Inclusive Democracy

Ensuring government transparency and maximizing civic engagement.

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Funding Our Future

Ensuring equitable taxation and adequate funding for youth and education.

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Re-envisioning Public Safety

Keeping communities safe by decriminalizing and transforming responses to harm.



Each pillar of the People’s Plan has a working group!

  • Making STL Home

  • Funding Our Future

  • Building Inclusive Democracy 

  • Re-envisioning Public Safety

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People's Plan Website Icons (1).png

The People’s Plan grows out of years of findings proposals, and shared visions informed by the community and put forward in such documents as the Ferguson Commission Report, For the Sake of All, Dismantling the Divide, Environmental Racism in STL, Close the Workhouse Reports 1.0 and 2.0, and more. 

We the people have the power to transform our city. Throughout St. Louis, communities which have historically been excluded from leadership are taking power, inspiring our collective imagination and transforming our collective understanding of what’s possible. We must have the courage to seriously commit to justice, equity, and democracy.

Sign on below to join this movement.

Endorsing Organizations


The People’s Plan. Building Our St. Louis. The People’s Plan. Building Our St. Louis. The People’s Plan. Building Our St. Louis.